Over the Top World Championship Results (1986)
Over the Top World Championship
July 26th, 1986 - Las Vegas, NV
MEN - OPEN Super Heavyweight
1st - John Brzenk
2nd - Ed Arnold
3rd/4th - Richard Lupkes and ?
MEN - Lightweight
1st - David Patton
2nd - Gary Stain
3rd/4th - Tom Stollmeyer and ?
MEN - Middleweight
1st - Allen Fisher
2nd - Tony Goulding
3rd/4th - John Buononato and ?
5th - Glenn Brooks
MEN - Light Heavyweight
1st - Johnny Walker
2nd - Guy Lasorsa
3rd/4th - Jeff Gonzalez and ?
MEN - Heavyweight
1st - Travis Baldwin
2nd - Les Zolman
3rd/4th - ?
MEN - Super Heavyweight
1st - Scott Norton
2nd - Cleve Dean
3rd/4th - Gerald Beatty and ?
WONEN - Lightweight
1st - Christine Jaworski
2nd - Rhonda Lindley
3rd/4th - Lori Cole and Carolyn Fisher
WOMEN - Heavyweight
1st - Liane Dufresne
2nd - Dot Jones
3rd/4th - Pam Carter and ?